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Successor Agency

The City of Marysville Redevelopment Agency, along with all other 400 redevelopment agencies in California, was dissolved in early 2012.  To facilitate the winding down of redevelopment agencies, the State of California required that successor agencies to the redevelopment agencies be assigned to manage redevelopment projects underway when discussion happened, make payments on outstanding debts, and dispose of the former redevelopment  agency's non-housing assets. 



Each successor agency has a seven-member Oversight Board comprised of representatives of local agencies that serve in the former redevelopment project areas  The Oversight Board is responsible for overseeing the wind-down of former redevelopment agency's business and ensure that the funding for redevelopment area projects is carried through.  Obligations of the agency is the joint responsibility of an Oversight Board and the City Council, acting as the Successor Agency.  News, documents and meeting information for both bodies will be available here:  Countywide Oversight Board


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