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Recycling Bottles

Garbage and Recycling

Need to start service or pay your bill?  Call 530-743-6933 or visit Recology


Unwanted mattress? 
You've got options!

Visit for more information and options available.

Free Tire Disposal Coupons Available

Yuba and Sutter Counties, CA – Planning to do some spring cleaning soon? To assist in this effort, the Regional Waste Management Authority again has coupons available for the free disposal of residentially generated waste tires. Yuba and Sutter County residents can now request a coupon for the free drop-off of up to 20 residentially generated passenger car and light truck tires per household (for rims up to 22 inches in diameter). Free tire disposal coupons are issued on a first come, first served basis while supplies last. They expire 30 days from the date of issue and a valid coupon must be presented when the waste tires are delivered to the drop-off location. Tires do not need to be removed from the rims.

Call the Regional Waste Management Authority weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. at (530) 634-6890 to request a coupon or for more information on the program. Please be prepared when you call to provide the number of tires that you have for disposal. This program is for residential use only – no businesses. Commercially generated waste tires are not eligible for this program. If hauling more than nine tires at one time, the Local Enforcement Agency conditions on the reverse side of the coupon must be completed.


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